At Campaign Circle I worked with different types of customers: Travel Agencies, Insurance Companies, Airports and more.
Some video campaign examples:
Intrepid Travel is the world’s largest small group adventure travel company.
The company offers more than 1,500 itineraries in over 120 countries.
0. Convey the power of a travel experience related to the discovery of the culture of a country.
1. Create expectation and hype around the new travel sales in December.
2. Create awareness during sales in January.
3. Create awareness during a second campaign launched in February called “£1”.
We started analyzing all the Intrepid social pages such as Facebook, Instagram and Youtube in order to understand the perception of the brand. During this analysis we discovered they had a lot of different videos. After checking we realised that every single video contained some parts with great empathic potential, so basically, we asked them to give us all the video footage in order to rework with it.
So we started to work with the 3 main message campaigns.
The goal of the videos was to give visual stimuli to the viewers, something engaging that teases curiosity, unique images with a strong human component in which everyone could project themselves.
Everything in the videos has a purpose like the tribal reminiscence of music (something that evokes the concept of truth and culture) or the rhythm of the fast editing related to the limited attention span of the viewers (but conceptually related even to a memory that is fast and focused on a moment, a movement, an emotion).
There are essentially 3 typologies of videos that we did for this campaign. Every type is related to a different duration.
For every campaign, we did:
Youtube TrueView: 30 sec.
Youtube Bumper ads: 6 sec.
Facebook Video: about 15 sec.
Keeping in mind that, especially on Facebook, the majority of the people would have seen those videos without music: we created different messaging, related to the goal of the 3 different campaigns, that made the video engaging even without sound.
For the Presale the goal was to give emphasis to the 20% discount, in order to give consistency to the message we decided to work with the numbers as a means to convey the strength of the organization.
For the sale, we used keywords that define the experience you can live with the brand, in order to create a connection between the viewers and their desires.
For the last campaign we used a “mantra tactic”: basically we found a word that repeated for the whole video entering in the mind of the viewer. We decided to create a comparison between how much MORE this experience would enrich the audience and the price (that was LESS).
The campaigns went through the UK, Germany, Switzerland and South Africa.
Here are the results compared to the 2017 campaign:
60 % Sales growth in the UK.
88 % Sales growth in Europe.
62 % More brand interest in Google trend.
View rate 42 % more on Youtube.
In total the campaign was composed of 43 different videos.
Thistle Insurance Services Limited is a UK insurance provider specializing in the leisure and lifestyle, commercial, professional risks and wholesale markets.
0. Convey the most important value behind the brand: the Passion.
1. Create 3 different awareness videos for Facebook about 3 different types of insurance for cyclists, musicians and photographers.
First of all, we analyzed the context.
It wasn’t simple because every typology has different kind of “users” within:
Different kind of cyclist
Different kind of musician
Different kind of photographer
The challenge was to try to unite all these different users in 15 seconds (perfect length for Facebook video).
The concept is simple and direct (the goal is to catch the attention immediately, describing a whole world in 15 seconds): summarize all the different typology of users with a single verb, an action, that can be recognized by everyone creating empathy.
So for Cyclist, there is MOVE, for the musician FEEL and for the photographer FOCUS. In the video this words appears with a different font in perfect timing with the music to convey the dynamism of the edit and of the passion behind the bike the music and the photos.
All the videos are stock footage, in my opinion, this is important to highlight, because (depending on the circumstances) for 15/30 seconds what you need is a concept, an idea, something strong that catches attention, and with a great selection of images and music it’s incredible the things that are possible to create with stock footage.
The final output is a video that touches all different kind of users with the goal to convey the intimate feeling that is a passion for something.
After the success of the first campaign Thistle asked for another campaign totally aimed at cyclists.
The Goal was trying to give relevance to all the items related to the bike and their value. using the graphics imaginary of the videogames.
This travel company teamed up with Gregg Wallace creating a travel experience with the Tv star from Masterchef.
The goal was to create a video that anticipates and create awareness around this travel experience, that was different from a normal journey and more “culturally” oriented.
The London City Airport needed a series of video in order to start a change of perception of the airport itself that would like to open their target audience.
The Airport is perceived as an expensive airport for expensive business travel.
The project includes a series of ten videos created for a Facebook campaign, so 17 seconds videos, one for every new destination.
The videos highlight the fact that the airport is in the city so very close to everything in London.
I create even a one minute video for the website main page.
The videos have music but are designed to be understandable even without music using motion graphics.
WWU asked for 2 youtube bumper videos and a Facebook video in order to advertise a survey to the audience.
The video is totally in motion graphic and aimed to catch the attention on social media with colours and movement. Due to the audience’s short attention span, the short length and the direct message are fundamental for this kind of videos.
L&C asked a series of three videos for a Facebook campaign, they expressly wanted the videos without audio.
The videos aimed to create awareness around the different kinds of mortgage service they supplies.
Every video tries to play with different imaginaries aimed to catch the attention on a topic usually not so intriguing visually.