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Creating an application for the town of Soller, one of the most popular touristic area in Mallorca.

My role in the project was to imagine and design, at a the conceptual level, what the app had to do and, also, to think the approach between the user and the app.

Realized during the internship at F*CKTORIA

Globalvia is a company that manages infrastructures which decided to create this app
after inaugurating a tunnel that makes shorter the way to Soller.

Top Soller is available on Google Play and on the App Store.

After having analyzed the most popular apps in the touristic field, I have realized that what people were looking for
something which helped them to choose a destination. That’s why the leading idea behind the app is the communication through the videos.
It would have been too simple to give information that could be easily found on the internet.
The entire application is based on the video that anticipates the several experiences a tourist can live in Soller, starting with the beaches, hiking,
relaxation, meals, and parties.
First, the application encourages visitors to visit Soller, then it accompanies them during the experience, allowing them to find everything a tourist may need.
Of course we didn’t forget the social side that is very important for tourists nowadays, in order to give them the possibility to create personalized travel plans to share with friends.

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